Gayle Carline spent almost 30 years as a software engineer until she chewed her way out of the cubicle to become a writer. She knew nothing of police procedures, but figured that reading her husband’s mind was good experience for writing mysteries. Most of her books are set in Orange County, where there are always good places to hide a body.
Recently, Gayle has written a fantasy trilogy, because the world needed more female pirates who turn into dragons and those books wouldn’t write themselves. Look for the Dragon Shadows Trilogy by G.S. Carline on Amazon or wherever cool books are being sold. (BTW, she is using her initials for this series because some boys think that girls can’t write fantasy. Pfft, we’ve dated plenty of you to know fantasy when we see it.)
Since books can’t always contain her ideas, she’s also the proud owner of two blogs. Read them here:
She’s also fond of sharing her wisdom. Basically, if she could sit in a comfy chair and give people her opinion all day, that would be her perfect career. But she does do both speaking and teaching engagements–anywhere, anytime. Here’s where you can find out about that:
When she’s not writing/teaching/speaking, Gayle spends time with her horses, her family, and her friends.